Monday, August 25, 2014

Slicing a list

See example below to call part of a list.

Notice that if you want to include 8 the end slice has to be 9.

Sequences and lists

The basic structure for creating a list is as follows:

Name = [‘type1’,’type2’,’type3’,’type4’]

See example below.

The list starts numbering with 0. Notice how when cars[0] is called after the list is created the name that shows up is Mercedes.


There is a difference between an integer and a string. A string and an integer can not be concatenated. See example below.

The variable needs to be treated as a string in order for the concatenation to work.

Saving Programs

In IDLE file new window
Then file save with extension with .py
Then run (must be saved)

Modules and Functions

Function is a built in program.
1.       Needs a parameters
a.       Pow (5,4) is the same as 5**4
                                                                           i.      5 and 4 are parameters

abs ( -5) is a absolute value function

1.       Have to be imported
2.       Import math <press enter>
a.       math.floor (18.7)
b.      math.sqrt  (81)
c.       square = math.sqrt; use variable name assigned to function/module

 Modules as variables


In python IDLE:


or have the user define:

a = input ("Enter number here:")

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Basic Math in Python

After installing Python 2 Open IDLE (Python GUI). IDLE stands for

Integrated DeveLopment Environment.

Basic math functions are not complicated in IDLE. Just type 4+4 at the prompt and see
what happens. 

Interesting difference between 18/7 and 18.0/7. This illustrates the difference between an
integer and a Float.

How about 18%7? % gives you the remainder for the division function.

How would you write 8 to the third power? Try 8*8*8, or 8**3.

Getting Started (Installing Python)

Install Python version 2 or 3 from I have installed python 2,
since resources I am using to learn python are using Python 2.

Please see link below for differences between Python 2 and 3.